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4-A) Index
1) "108-Balisong manipulations", from "balisongxtreme.com"
2) "31-Balisong manipulations", by Jeff Imada
3) "46-Balisong manipulations", by Michael D. Janich
4) "Mastering the Balisong", by Brennan, Miller (3-tapes)
5) "Filipino Martial Arts", by Dan Inosanto (4-tapes)
6) "Jeet Kune Do Concepts", by Dan Inosanto (2-tapes)
7) "Pananandata", by Amante P. Marinas
8) "vol. 5 - Filipino Knife Fighting", by P. Vunak (rus)
9) "Меч", by Morihiro (rus)
10) "Шест", by Morihiro (rus)
11) "Hanbo-Bo-Yawara", by Bussey 2) "Hanbo Jutsu", by Tanemura Shoto, vol. 1-4, 6
12) "Tactical Baton", by Kelly S. Worden, (2x120min)
13) "Practical Knife Fighting", by Kelly S. Worden (2x75min)
14) "Revers-Grip Knife Fighting", by James A. Keating (55min)
15) "Fighting Folders", by Michael D. Janich, (75min, 2x75min, 2x75min) 2) Michael D. Janich, J. Webb - Knife Fighting Combat Tech 1-3 rus
16) Ernest R. Emerson, Combat Karambit
17) Remy A. Presas "Modern Arnis" 1) 3; 2) 11-dvd; 3) 8; 4) 13-dvd
18) Kelly S. Worden (5-video) ---
19) Paul Vunak "Jeet Kune Do Concepts & Filipino Martial Arts" by Panther Productions ---
20) Cold Steel - More Proof, Warriors Edge by 1-6
21) Cold Steel - Warriors Edge
22) Cold Steel - Saber And Cutlass
23) Cold Steel - Fighting Machete
24) Cold Steel - Fighting Tomahawk
4-B) Contents
4-1) "108-Balisong manipulations"
(http://www.balisongxtreme.com) Copyright © 1998-2003 BalisongXtreme, LLC
1-01 Grip partials #1 forward - learn to feel the connection to the other handle
1-02 Grip partials #2 backhand - learn to feel the connection to the other handle
1-03 Rockers #1 basic - build strength between fingers, a great exercise
1-04 Rockers #2 with a roll - same as in beginners, but add a roll between fingers
1-05 Rockers #3 finger tip - using alternating fingertips; rough on the pinky, but effective
1-06 Rockers #4 xtreme - a fantastic "side to side" finger strength builder
1-07 Rolls #1 closed - powerful strength builder
1-08 Rolls #2 balance - develop a feel for the balance point
1-09 Rolls #3 open - builds strength between fingers, blade open
1-10 Slides - great for hand coordination
1-11 Screw(drivers) closed - helps to develope a feel of where the blade is facing
1-12 Screw-slides - another coordination builder
1-13 Rotations palm #1 hor. - balance exercise, confidence builder
1-14 Rotations palm #2 vert. - balance exercise, confidence builder
1-15 Stretch finger - using the balisong to stretch your fingers out
1-16 Snap partial - an xtreme partial opening, from the tipsd and tricks page
1-17 Fanning - flashy, but nice
2-01 Vertical opening #1 basic - first opening technique
2-02 Vertical opening #2 inside - a slight variation on the vertical basic opening
2-03 Horizontal opening #1 basic - like the vertical basic, only sideways
2-04 Horizontal opening #2 - another horizontal opening
2-05 Windmill #1 - simple, basic, and a great quickdraw opening when mastered
2-06 Windmill #2 quick & quiet opening - a smooth basic opening that won't draw any unwanted attention
2-07 Windmill #3 double flip - expanding on the basic forward grip windmill opening
2-08 Windmill backhand #1 - windmill in the backhand position, moving forward
2-09 Windmill backhand #2 - another backhand windmill, backward this time
2-10 Backhand opening #1 basic - first backhand opening
2-11 Backhand opening #2 - a slight variation on the backhand basic opening
2-12 Backhand opening #3 circle - a smooth, circular opening
3-01 Pass pivot #1 half circle - basic hand to hand pass
3-02 Pass pivot #2 full circle - smooth, flowing pass
3-03 Pass pivot #3 back - pivot pass behind the back
3-04 Pass #1 pivot-flip
3-05 Pass #2 pivot-roll - pivot pass and flip drill
3-06 Pass #1 vertical - a great pass for flowing between hands, and moves
3-07 Pass #2 backhand - around the back of the hand pass
3-08 Pass #3 motion – passing while in motion
3-09 Pass flip-slide #1 - work the slide into a hand to hand transition pass
3-10 Pass flip-slide #2 open - coordination builder; two moves together
3-11 Pass backhand #1 under - passing underneath this time
3-12 Pass backhand #2 open - a sneaky backhand pass in the open position
3-13 Pass backhand #3 pivot - crossover pass
3-14 Pass backhand #4 same handle - passing with the same handle in the backhand position
3-15 Pass backhand to forward grip - changing hands from backhand to forward grip
3-16 Pass single handle - passing with the same handle between hands
4-01 Pivots #1 half circle open - quick change between forward grip and backhand grip
4-02 Pivots #2 full circle - expanding the pivot to complete circles
4-03 Mega-pivots #1 inside - multiple same direction pivots
4-04 Mega-pivots #2 outside - same as above, but in the opposite direction
4-05 Half pivot roll #1 forward - coordination, and transition
4-06 Half pivot roll #2 back - another one, only back this time
4-07 Half pivot & rolls - a nice combination of pivots and rolls
4-08 Flip out #1 - another forward grip to backhand transition
4-09 Flip out #2 roll back - taking the half pivot roll another step
4-10 Flip out #3 backhand opening - starting in the backhand closed position, and ending in forward grip open
5-01 Latch handle opening #1 - a good opening if you find yourself out of position, with the bite handle "in"
5-02 Latch handle opening #2 - opening with the bite handle, and not getting cut
5-03 Latch handle opening #3 to backhand closed - bite handle start to the backhand position
5-04 Latch handle opening #4 backhand around - an extension of the above technique
5-05 Latch handle opening #5 latch drop - quick draw opening for the backhand grip
5-06 Helicopters #1 - works your "feel" for the handle, while rotating in your palm
5-07 Helicopters #2 backhand - backhand helicopter exercises
5-08 Table tops #1 closed - coordination, balance, and concentration builder
5-09 Table tops #2 open - taking the closed version one step further
5-10 Table tops #3 xtreme - pushing the table top a little further
5-11 False forward grip #1 - starting in the f.grip position and ending in backhand, open
5-12 False forward grip #2 - another one starting in the f.grip position and ending in backhand, open
5-13 False backhand opening - starting in a backhand position and ending up in a forward grip, open
5-14 Hyper drops #1 half circle - confidence and focus builders; half rotations
5-15 Hyper drops #2 full circle - confidence and focus builders; full rotations
6-01 Twirl basic #1 - introducing, the finger twirl
6-02 Twirl basic #2 vert. - same as above but vertical
6-03 Twirl full opening #1 hor. - full finger twirl horizontal opening
6-04 Twirl full opening #2 vert. - full finger twirl vertical opening
6-05 Twirl backhand opening #1 - cool finger twirl opening in the backhand position
6-06 Twirl backhand opening #2 flip out - adding a twirl to the backhand flip out opening
6-07 Twirl finger switch #1 - switching between forward and backhand grips using the finger twirl
6-08 Twirl finger switch #2 - another crip change using the finger twirl
6-09 Twirl pass #1 leading - a finger twirl pass from the forward grip position
6-10 Twirl pass #2 trailing - another finger twirl pass from the forward grip position
6-11 Twirl pass #3 backhand - a smooth transitional finger twirl pass from the backhand position
6-12 Twirl finger windmill opening - taking a basic windmill opening and spicing it up with a finger twirl
6-13 Twirl bite handle - starting with the bite handle
6-14 Twirl & ricochet - a little complicated, but a good timing builder; great for dexterity too
7-01 Rollover opening #1 - have fun with this one
7-02 Rollover opening #2 - using the above technique to open into the backhand grip
7-03 Rollover opening #3 - another rollover opening, outside-in this time
7-04 Rollover opening #4 - rolling over from the backside
7-05 Rollover thumb #1 Y2K - rollover opening from the backhand position, using the thumb
7-06 Rollover thumb #2 - another thumb rollover; from the forward grip this time
7-07 Rollover-pass-twirl open - using the rollover for passing, with a twirl
8-01 Throw opening #1 static - throw opening from a still start
8-02 Throw opening #2 motion - throw opening from a moving start
8-03 Throw backhand over #1 - opening in the backhand position
8-04 Throw backhand over #2 pass - extending the above technique to a pass
8-05 Throw backhand to forward grip #1 - a good way to change grips using a throw
8-06 Throw backhand to forward grip #2 catch - the opposite of the above technique; going from open, to closed
8-07 Throw backhand to forward grip #3 reverse - interesting throw opening, for the backhand position forward
8-08 Throw forward to backhand grip #1 catch - throw opening, going from forward grip, to backhand
8-09 Throw forward to backhand grip #2 open - forward to backhand transition using a throw
8-10 Throw pass #1 static - throw pass from a still start
8-11 Throw pass #2 motion - throw pass from a moving start
8-12 Throw pass #3 open rollover - using the rollover for passing, with a throw
8-13 Throw pass #4 over backhand hyper drop - taking hyper drops to a pass realm
8-14 Throw pass #5 full circle pivot - turning a simple pivot into a throw pass
8-15 Throw finger twirl #1 full - just like it says
8-16 Throw finger twirl #2 - a variation on the finger twirl throw
8-17 Throw static, twirl to backhand open - static throw with a twist, tape up for this one!
4-2) "31-Balisong manipulations", by Jeff Imada
0-03 - Basic Grips
1-01 - Single Flop Up Opening & Closing
1-02 - Ice Pick Drop Catch Opening
1-03 - Forward Drop Catch Opening & Closing
1-04 - Latch Drop Opening & Closing
1-05 - Thumb & Index Finger Side Flip
1-06 - Horisontal Double Flip Opening & Closing
1-07 - Single Flip Outside Opening & Closing
1-08 - Double Flip Down (out to in) Open & Closing
2-01 - Drop Twist and Catch Opening & Closing
2-02 - Double Flip Opening
2-03 - Single Flip Finger Twirl Closing
2-04 - Single Flip, Index Whip Twirl & Catch Opening
2-05 - Single Flip Helicopter Spin Opening (clockwise)
2-06 - Single Flip Helicopter Spin Opening (counterclockwise)
2-07 - Finger snap, Helicopter Spin & Single Flip Opening
2-08 - Finger Snap Double Flip Opening
2-09 - Double Flip Opening & Closing
2-10 - Single Flip, Finger Twirl and Double Flip Opening
3-01 - Single Flip, Finger Twirl, Drop & Catch Opening
3-02 - Single Flip, Finger Twirl and Propeller Opening & Clo
3-03 - Double Flip, Finger Twirl Opening & Closing
3-04 - Triple Flip Opening & Closing
3-05 - Double Flip, Finger Twirl, Triple Flip Opening & Clos
3-06 - Double Flip, Double Hand Exchange Opening & Closing
4-01 - Toss & Catch Opening
4-02 - Toss & Catch Opening (latch variation)
4-03 - Finger Flip Toss & Catch Closing
4-04 - Double Flip Toss & Catch Opening
4-05 - Drop Swing Toss & Catch Opening
4-06 - Single Flip Finger Twirl Toss & Catch Opening
4-3) Mastering the Balisong Knife (46-manipulations) by Michael D. Janich, 1994, 1-st Edition
1-01 - Up-Down-Up Opening and Closing
1-02 - Upward Swng Opening and Closing
1-03 - Standart Opening and Closing
1-04 - Horizontal Standart Opening and Closing
1-05 - Out-to-In Opening and Closing
1-06 - Thumb Roll Opening and Closing
1-07 - Upward Swing Opening and Closing Variation (holding latch handle)
2-01 - Reverse Upward Swing Opening and Closing
2-02 - Reverse Forward Swing Opening and Closing
2-03 - Reverse Out-to-In Opening and Closing
2-04 - Forward Latch Opening and Closing
2-05 - Backward Latch Opening and Closing
2-06 - Forward Side Swing Opening and Closing
2-07 - Backward Side Swing Opening and Closing
2-08 - Reverse Up-and-Down Opening and Closing
3-01 - Standart Grip to Reverse Grip Opening and Closing (one finger)
3-02 - Standart Grip to Reverse Grip Opening and Closing (three fingers)
3-03 - Standart Opening with Finger Twirl to Reverse Grip
3-04 - Reverse Out-to-In Opening with Finger Twirl to Standa
3-05 - Finger Snap to Standart Opening
3-06 - Triple Flip Opening
4-02 - Aerial Techniques
5-01 - Additional Techniques and Tricks
4-3-2) Mastering the Balisong Knife by Michael D. Janich, 2015, 2nd Edition, Revised and Updated
4-4) "Mastering the Balisong", by Brennan, Miller (3-tapes)
1-1) Introduction
1-2) Wrist Condition
1-3) Fighting Posture and Footwork
1-4) Closed Blade Techniques
1-5) Target Areas
1-6) Flipping Techniques
2-1) Flipping and Hand Switching
2-2) Striking Techniques
2-3) Combining All Balisong Strikes
3-1) Balisong Fighting Techniques
3-2) Empty Hand Drills
3-3) Empty Hand Defensive Techniques
3-4) Double Balisong Flipping Techniques
3-5) Balisong Training Techniques
3-6) Important Points to Remember
3-7) Balisong Concealment
4-5) "Filipino Martial Arts", by Dan Inosanto (4-tapes from 6)
1-01) Single Stick
1-02) Double Stick - Sinawalli Drills
1-03) Empty Hands
1-04) Energy Drills
1-05) Long & Short Stick Training
1-06) Knife Drills
1-07-08) Full Contact - Disarms
1-09) Full Contact - Sinawalli
1-10) Full Contact - Nunchaku
1-11) Distractions - Self Defence
1-12) Ful Contact
1-13) One & Three Inch Punch
1-14) Weapons
2-01) Weapons
2-02) Single Stick - Grips
2-03) Single Stick - Striking Angles
2-04) Single Stick - Disarms
2-05) Sinawalli - Double Stick Drills
2-06) Sinawalli - Double Stick Drills - Footwork
2-07) Sinawalli - Applications - Weapons Drills
2-08) Sinawalli - Applications - Motion
2-09) Empty Hands - Limbs of the Body
(*)3-01) Energy Drills
3-02) Coordinations Drills
3-03) Flows
4-01) Long & Short Stick - Introduction
4-02) Long & Short Stick - Basics
4-03) Long & Short Stick - Training Drills
4-04) Long & Short Stick - Solo Training
4-6) "Jeet Kune Do Concepts", 1987, by Dan Inosanto (2-tapes)
01) Kali
02) Knife Fighting
03) Jeet Kune Do Concepts & Martial Arts Blending
4-7) "Pananandata", by Amante P. Marinas
00) Preface
01) Footwork
02) Hand and foot coordinations
03) Striking tech & targets
04) Five strikes
05) Five strikes & targets
06) Defences against the five strikes
07) Philippine horsewhip & balisong
08) Double stick tech
09) Stick & knife tech
10) Knife tech
11) Freefighting
12) Classical forms
13) 44-inch stick tech
14) Cane tech
15) Explosive tech
16) Rattan ring tech
17) Courtesy
18) 12 strikes
19) Defences against the 12 strikes
20) 12 strikes using stick & knife
21) Explosive tech against 12 strikes
22) Free-stile stick fighting
23) Wind down
4-8) "vol. 5 - Filipino Knife Fighting", by P. Vunak (rus)
02) Intro
03) Knife Techniques
06) Five angles
13) Knife Sparing
4-9) "Меч", by Morihiro (rus)
4-10) "Шест", by Morihiro (rus)
4-11) "Hanbo-Bo-Yawara", by Bussey
1) Hanbo
2) Bo
3) Yawara
4-11-2) "Hanbo Jutsu", by Tanemura Shoto, vol. 1-4, 6
4-Black Belt
4-12) "Tactical Baton", by Kelly S. Worden (2x120min)
1) Targeting Six Strikes
2) Hit anything that hurts
3) Optional 12 Striking Targets
4) Impact Weapons Seek Bone & Joints
5) Stepping into Sections
6) Male Triangle. Female Triangle
7) Mobile Footwork
8) Plus Sign + Times Sign X
9) Defang the Snake
10) Attack the Attaking Weapon
11) Target #5
12) Vary Stop Hits and Deflections
13) Mentally Cross-Over
14) Force of Retaliation
15) Action vs. Reaction
16) Noodlized His Arm
17) Empty Hand Deflections
18) Natural Reactions
19) Evaluate Intent
20) Respond Accordingly
21) Tactical Stick to Fist Load
22) Cultivation of Aggressive Control Skills
23) Adhesion - Learn to Feel
24) Sensitivity - Mobility
25) Hand Positins and Body Movements
26) Pressure and Position
27) Escalate Intent
28) Secondary Line of Attack
29) Avoid Tunnel Vision
30) Combinations
31) Working Together
32) Limit Opponent's Tools
33) Mobility with Striking
34) Force the Second Tool into Play
35) Neuro-Muscular Responses
36) Power Stroking
37) Lower Base and Rotate Hips
38) Pivot to Increase Torque and Power
39) Nothing is Carved in Stone
40) Accelerate & Decelerate
41) Double-O Spiraling Motions
42) Food for Thought
43) Deflection into Double-O
44) Escalation of Force
45) Neutralize Aggression
46) Read Body Movements
47) Monitor Weight Displacement
48) Abonico
49) Stop Hit
50) Pass or Check
51) Remember: Angles, Footwork, Tempo
52) Side to Side or Banda Banda
53) Relation of Movement
54) Instinctual Response in Suppressed by Social Programing
55) Personal Training is the Key
56) Establish Your Foundation
57) Add the Butt Strike or Punyo
58) Killer Instinct is Concious Ruthlessness
59) De Cadena Chain Hands
60) Avoid Tunnel Vision
61) Monito Everything That Twitches
62) Focus on Reding Body Movements
63) Weight Displacement
64) Hand Positions
65) Disarm Datarm
66) Second Hand Pick Up
67) Foot Trap
68) Take Down
69) Evasive Tactics Bob-Wave-Shift-Empty Out
70) Turn It On
71) Neutralize
72) Evaluate Intend Respond Accordingly
73) Line One & Two Most Traversed
74) Body Posture
75) Natural Reactions
76) Stance-Weight Displacement
77) Footwork Tempo
78) Control Distance
79) Attacking Low Base
80) Pass Low Respond High
81) That's the Idea, Make It Hurt!
82) Adhesion Learn to Feel
83) Escalation of Force
84) Develop Control Skills
85) Live Hand Attachments
86) Elbow-Knees-Head Butt Stomps-Quick & Serious
87) Get Him Right Away
88) Angle 5
89) Stike First then Strip, Peel or Lock Always Your Choice
90) Empty Hands Support Strikes
91) Angle 6
92) Roof and Counter
93) Foot Trapping
94) Bridge the Gap
95) Inside Moves
96) Medium Range 6 Count Drill
97) Probing Hand
98) Live Hand Follows Stick
99) Medium Range 10 count Drill
100) Be Spontaneous It's in the Touch
101) Shut Down Lines
102) Hubud Engagement
103) Action Forces Reaction
104) Sensitivity is the Key
105) Drills Develop Neuromuscular Memory
106) Neutralizing
107) Quick Review
108) Punyo Inside
109) Punyo Outside
110) Hubud Engagement
111) Punyo Sombrado
112) Practice Makes Perfect Time is the Key
113) Relate the Empty Hand to the Weapon
114) Empty Hand Attributes
115) Strike Hard, Fast, Last
116) Peel to Strip
117) Striking Line to Snaking
118) Stap to Points
119) Seek The Target
120) You Control the Range
121) Don't Be Too Bold
122) Hand Trap - Forearm Strip
123) Engage-Position-Neutralize (Reasonable Thrashing)
124) Whoopin' you too!
125) Load Your Baton While striking
126) Miyagi San (Does that come with fries?)
127) Abandon the Weapon
128) Empty Hand Against Stick
129) Limit Access
130) Finger Grabs - Set Him Up
131) Watch Out for Foot Traps
132) Youst Like Dat!
133) Figure Eight Entry
134) Evade & Intercept
135) Close with Forvard Preasure
4-13) "Practical Knife Fighting", by Kelly S.Worden (2x75min)
1-1) Training Safety and Knife Etiquette
1-2) The Eight Angels of Attack
1-3) Slash and Thrust Patterns
1-4) The Kali Thrusting Triangle and Defanging the Snake
1-5-1) Footwork and Use of the Live Hand
1-6) Cutting On Withdrawal
1-7) Follow-Up Techniques
1-8) Restraint
2-1) Training with the Silent Fighter
2-2) Grip Changes and Revers Grip Knife Fighting
2-3) Live Blade Training
2-4) Knife Fighting Realities
4-14) "Revers-Grip Knife Fighting", by James A. Keating (55min)
4-15) "Fighting Folders", by Michael D.Janich (75min, 2x75min, 2x75min)
1-01) Knife Selection
1-02) Inertia Opening
1-03) Carry and Draw Methods
1-04) Knife Grip
1-05) Defensive Use of Tactical Folders (5-Srtrikes)
1-06) Defensive Use of Tactical Folders (Pass, Follow, Meet)
1-07) Flow Drills (The Largo Mano Drill)
1-08) Flow Drills (The Six Count Drill)
1-09) Flow Drills (The Sumbrada Drill)
1-10) Flow Drill Summary
2-01) Intro
2-02) Footwork
2-03) The "Crossada" Drill
2-04) The Six-Count Drill
2-05) The "Sumbrada" Drill
2-06) Separating Live Hand and Knife
2-07) Dissecting the Drills
2-08) Knife-to-Knife Disarms
2-09) Speed Stops
2-10) Integrating Speed Stops and Flow Drills
2-11) Connecting the Dots
2-12) Combat Draws and Openings
2-13) Disadvantaged Positions
3-01) Intro
3-02) Reverse-Grip Basics
3-03) Flow Drills (R-Grip Six-Count)
3-04) Flow Drills (R-Grip "Sumbrada")
3-05) Trap and Roll
3-06) Cover and Slash
3-07) The Gutless Version of Cover and Slash
3-08) "Hubud"
3-09) Combining R-Grip Drills
3-10) Speed Stops
3-11) Integrating Empty-Hand Tactics into R-Grip Techniques
3-13) Counterdefenses
3-15) Grip Changes and Applying R-Grip Skills to Standart Grip
3-16) Using R-Grip Skills with Improvised Weapons adnd F-Lights
3-18) Putting It All Together
4-15-2) Michael D. Janich, J. Webb - Knife Fighting Combat Tech 1-3 rus
4-16) "Combat Karambit", by Ernest R. Emerson
3-The Knife
4-What Is A Karambit
5-Use Of The Wave
6-Spinning Drills And Combos
7-Figure 8 Drills
8-The Snike Bite
9-Double Knife Drills
10-The Tiger Gut And Buzz Saw
11-Spin Cuts And Upper Cuts
12-Strikes 1-5
13-Universal Principles
4-Strikes 1-5 Reverse Grip
5-Figure 8's Sabre Grip
6-Figure 8's Reverse Grip
7-The Snake Bite
8-Defense Against Common Strikes - Sabre Grip
9-Defense Against Common Strikes - Reverse Grip
10-Weapons Retention
11-Defense Against The Choke
12-Defense Against Armed Attack - Sabre Grip
13-Defense Against Armed Attack - Reverse Grip
3-Advanced Skills
3-Principles And Concepts
4-The Ultimate Knife Fighting Technique
5-Double Knife Techniques Vs Common Strikes
6-Double Knife Techniques Vs Common Strikes - Reverse Grip
7-Double Knife Vs Armed Attack
8-The Zipper
9-The Tiger Gut
10-The Buzz Saw
4-Knife Boxing
3-Principles And Concepts
4-Body Mechanics For Maximum Force
5-Maximum Speed
7-The Tools
8-Knife Boxing
9-Knife Boxing Drills And Applications
10-Evasive Maneuvers
4-17-1) Remy A. Presas - Modern Arnis vol 1-3
Volume 1
Covers specific stick attacks, blocking attacks, evasive techniques, takedowns and other unarmed self-defense techniques. (Approx. 50 min.)
Volume 2
Teaches evasive footwork, fundamentals, de caderio, blocking, checking attacks, empty-hand fighting, throws and trapping. (Approx. 60 min.)
Volume 3
Covers disarming attackers, counterstrikes, using weapons to disarm an assailant, proper knife techniques and more. (Approx. 56 min.)
4-17-2) Modern Arnis-1 Basics (8 DVDs) by Remy Presas
Volume 1: Single Can Drill - Approx: 55 min
1-1 Striking techniques
1-2 disarming Techniques
1-3 Abaniko Double action Side by side and long
1-4 Traditional Arnis - Figures 8
1-5 Traditional Arnis - banda y banda
Volume 2: Double Cane Drills - Approx: 58 min
2-1 Double Sinawali
2-2 Empty Hand Double Sinawali
2-3 Reverse Sinawali
2-4 Application of Empty Hand Reverse Sinawali
2-5 Innovation of Double Stick Disarming Techniques
2-6 Double Zero Strike
2-7 Variation of Disarming Techniques
Volume 3: Anyo Form 1 to 5 Empty Hand Disarms and Controls - Approx: 54 min
3-1 Anyo (Sayaw) Isa Form One
3-2 Anyo (Sayaw) Isa Form One Application
3-3 Anyo (Sayaw) Dalawa Form Two
3-4 Anyo (Sayaw) Dalawa Form Two Application
3-5 Anyo (Sayaw) Tatlo Form Three
3-6 Anyo (Sayaw) Tatlo Form Three Application
3-7 Anyo (Sayaw) Apat Form Four
3-8 Anyo (Sayaw) Apat Form Four Application
3-9 Anyo (Sayaw) Lima Form Five
3-10 Anyo (Sayaw) Lima Form Five Application
3-11 Empty Hand Disarms and Control
Volume 4: Espada Y Daga Traditional Arnis with Disarms - Approx: 54 min
4-1 Espada Y Daga Crossada Blocking
4-2 Espada Y Daga Crossada with Figure 8
4-3 Espada Y Daga Crossada Disarming
4-4 Espada Y Daga Crossada Go With The Force
4-5 Espada Y Daga Crossada With Banda Y Banda
4-6 Crossada With Hand
4-7 Knife Disarming Techniques
4-8 Knife Vs. Knife Self Defense
4-9 Knife Crossada
4-10 Knife Drill
4-11 Six Count Drill
4-12 Empty Hand Six Count Drill
Volume 5: Spinning Throw and Locks - Approx: 53 min
5-1 Finger Spinning Throw
5-2 Crossada Empty Hand
5-3 Anyo (Sayaw) Isa Stick Form One
5-4 Anyo (Sayaw) Dalawa Stick Form Two
5-5 Anyo (Sayaw) Tatlo Stick Form Three
5-6 Anyo (Sayaw) Apat Stick Form Four
5-7 Anyo (Sayaw) Dalawa Stick Form Two With Sword
5-8 Application of Empty Hand Anyo (Sayaw)
5-9 Stick Form Two Sparring Techiniques
5-10 Baton releasing Techniques
5-11 Pre Arrange Sparring
5-12 Advance Sparring Techniques
Volume 6: Palis-Palis Go With The Force And Tusok - Approx: 60 min
6-1 Movement of Palis - Palis
6-2 Basic Form in Palis-Palis
6-3 Body Shifting in Palis - Palis
6-4 Payong or Umbrella Block
6-5 Slanting or Wing Block
6-6 Empty Hand Payong
6-7 Disarming Techniques and Counter Against Disarming
Volume 7: Two Cane Continues Disarming Techniques and Empty Hand Translation - Approx: 59 min
7-1 Practical Self Defense Part 1 One Stick Disarming
7-2 Practical Self Defense Part 2 Double Stick Disarms
7-3 Practical Self Defense Part 3 Throwing Techniques
Volume 8: Advance Arnis - Approx: 69 min
8-1 Twelve Striking Techniques
8-2 Blocking Techniques
8-3 Blocking with Butting
8-4 Abaniko Block
8-5 Abaniko Double Action
8-6 Espada Y Daga Abaniko
8-7 Knife Flow Drill
4-17-3) Modern Arnis-2 Advanced (13 DVDs) by Remy Presas
1. Semi Advance Abaniko Corto and Abaniko Double
1-1 Semi Advance Abaniko Corto Double Action
1-2 Abaniko Corto Strikes
1-3 Abaniko Corto Strike
1-4 Empty Hand Abaniko Corto
1-5 Empty Hand Abaniko Locking Techniques
1-6 Flow Techniques in Abaniko Corto
1-7 Empty Hand Abaniko Corto
1-8 Abaniko Checking Of The Hand
2. Advance Figure 8 And Advance Banda Y Banda
2-1 Introduction to Advance Figure 8
2-2 Advance Figure 8 with Trapping
2-3 Strike And Cut in Advance Figure 8
2-4 Reverse Figure 8
2-5 Advance Banda Y Banda
2-6 Empty Hand Advance Banda Y Banda Trapping
3. Advance Knife Techniques
3-1 Introduction to Advance knife Techniques
3-2 Knife Drill Give and Take
3-3 Knife Disarm And Trapping
3-4 Empty Hand Block, Check Counter With Counter
3-5 Knife Disarm Give And Take
4. Advance Palis-Palis With Multi-Impact Application
4-1 Introduction to Advance Palis-Palis With Multi-Impact Application
4-2 Advance Palis-Palis With Tusok
4-3 Advance Palis-Palis With Disarm
4-4 Advance Palis-Palis With Backward Throw
4-5 Advance Palis-Palis With Armbar
4-6 Advance Palis-Palis With Cane Takedown
4-7 Advance Palis-Palis Empty Hand
4-8 Advance Palis-Palis With Wrist Lock
4-9 Advance Palis-Palis With Come Along
4-10 Advance Palis-Palis With Hammer Lock
4-11 Advance Palis-Palis With Compress Elbow
4-12 Advance Palis-Palis With Side by Side Throw
4-13 Basic Palis-Palis
4-14 Empty Hand Palis-Palis
5. Advance Single Sinawali with Empty Hand Application
5-1 Introduction to Advance Single Sinawali with Empty Hand Application
5-2 Single Sinawali High And Low
5-3 Single Sinawali with Thrusting
5-4 Empty Hand Single Sinawali high and Low
5-5 Empty Hand Single with Finger Locking
5-6 Empty Hand Application Of Single Sinawali
5-7 Empty Hand Sinawali with Throwing Techniques
5-8 Empty Hand Trapping Techniques
5-9 Stick Trapping Techniques
6. Advance Tapi-Tapi Techniques
6-1 Stances in Advance Tapi-tapi
6-2 Visidario (Block, Check And Counter)
6-3 Advance Tapi-Tapi Trapping
6-4 Advance Tapi-tapi Drill
6-5 Coridas Inside and Outside Drill
6-6 Inside and Outside Blocks
7. Empty Hand Sinawali Boxing and Finger Locking
7-1 Empty Hand Sinawali Boxing
7-2 Modern Arnis Locking Techniques
7-3 Twin Finger Lock
7-4 Single Finger Lock
7-5 Standing Center Lock
7-6 Thumb Lock
7-7 Single Finger Lock
8. Empty Hand Tapi-Tapi & Knife Defense
9. Finger Locking Techniques
9-1 Finger Locking With Wrist Throw
9-2 Two Finger Standing Center Lock
9-3 Standing Center Lock with Two Finger Cross Hand Hold
9-4 Thumb Lock
9-5 Single Sinawali With Locking Techniques
10. Introduction to Tapi-Tapi
10-1 Stances in Modern Arnis
10-2 Courtesy Bow
10-3 12 Striking Techniques
10-4 Blocking Techniques
10-5 Inward And Outward Blocks
10-6 Block, Check, Counter with Counter
10-7 Stick Locking Techniques
10-8 Coridas
10-9 Tapi-Tapi
10-10 Tapi-Tapi with Disarming
10-10 Tapi-Tapi with Counter
11. Knife Techniques
11-1 Knife Techniques
11-2 Knife Disarm And Take Down
11-3 Backward Throw With Hammer Lock
11-4 Knife Disarm
12. Tapi-Tapi Right and left Hand Techniques
12-1 Introduction to Right Hand Tapi-Tapi
12-2 Tapi-Tapi Trapping
12-3 Sequence on Tapi-Tapi
12-4 Left And Right Hand Tapi-Tapi
12-5 Introduction to Left Hand Tapi-Tapi
12-6 Tapi-Tapi Tapping
12-7 Tapi-Tapi with Disarming
12-8 Empty Hand Trapping
12-9 Stick Trapping
12-10 Tapi-Tapi with Throwing Techniques
13. Visidario
13-1 Block, Check and Counter with Counter
13-2 Block, Check And Counter with Counter (Empty Hand Vs. Stick)
13-3 Empty Hand Block, Check And Counter with Counter (Rapid Fire)
13-4 Visdario Trapping and Locking
13-5 Empty Hand Trapping and Locking
4-17-4) Dr. Remy P. Presas Complete Basic to Intermediate - Vol. 1 to Vol. 11 ---
a. DVD $25.00
b. half DVD Set (Video 1 to 6) $150.00
c. Entire DVD Set (Video 1 to 11) $220.00
1. Introduction to Modern Arnis
2. Two Stick Twirling and Two Stick Coordinated Striking
3. Two Stick Striking, Blocking, Parrying, and Two Stick Disarming
4. One Stick Advance Striking, and Advance Blocking
5. Figure 8 and Reverse Figure 8
6. Classical Abanico and Pilantik
7. Sungketi and Double Sero
8. Espada Y Daga
9. One Stick Disarming and Counter Disarming
10. Doblete, Triplete, and Banda Y Banda
11. Crosada, Palis - Palis and Baba Taas
1: Introduction to Modern Arnis (39 min)
1) Proper Grip
2) Courtesy bow
3) Stances
4) 12 Striking Techniques
5) 12 Striking Zones
6) Proper way of doing striking and thrusting
7) Improper way of doing striking and thrusting
8) 12 striking with leg movement
9) 12 Striking techniques return to back stance after each strike
10) Six by six 12 striking techniques
2: Two Stick Twirling and Two Stick Coordinated Striking (39 min)
1) Proper ways of doing the two stick twirling
2) Cane twisting side by side
3) Circular motion side by side
4) Cane twisting X – movement
5) Cane thrusting side by side
6) Abanico X – movement
7) Double abanico striking inside
8) Striking up and down
9) Double stick striking on the inside
10)Continues twirling forward
3: Two Stick Striking, Blocking, Parrying, and Two Stick Disarming (39 min)
4: One Stick Advance Striking, and Advance Blocking (38 min)
1) 6 advance strike zones
2) Stationary 6 advance striking
3) Stationary continues 6 advance striking
4) Blocking with brace
5) Malayuan blocking
6) Malapitan blocking
7) Dikitan blocking
8) Stationary 6 advance blocking
9) Advance blocking with V – leg Switching
10) Drills in malapitan blocking
5: Figure 8 and Reverse Figure 8 (37 min)
1) Introduction to figure 8
2) Proper way of doing figure 8
3) Malapitan figure 8
4) Malayuan figure 8
5) Improper way of doing figure 8
6) Malayuan half figure 8
7) Complete figure 8
8) Continues Figure 8
9) Malapitan Continues Figure 8 with V – leg Switching
10) Drills in figure 8
6: Classical Abanico and Pilantik (43 min)
1) Introduction to classical Abaniko
2) 3 types of Abaniko
3) Proper way of doing the three Abaniko
4) Drills in malayuan Abaniko
5) Introduction to Pilantik
6) Proper way of doing Pilantik
7) Drills in Pilantik
8) Application of Pilantik
9) Disarming, locking and take down
7: Sungketi and Double Sero (40 min)
1) Introduction to Sungkiti
2) Target area’s of Sungkiti
3) Vertical, horizontal Sungkiti
4) Drills in Sungkiti
5) Application for Sungkiti
6) Introduction to Double Sero
7) Types of Double Sero
8) Proper way of doing Double Sero
9) Center Double Sero
10) Application of Double Sero
8: Espada Y Daga (36 min)
1) Advance Espada Y Daga striking
2) Stationary forward stance advance Espada Y Daga striking
3) 6 advance Espada Y Daga striking with thrusting of Daga
4) Advance Espada Y Daga blocking with stick and dagger
5) Tulak paiwas parrying and Espada Y Daga
6) Blocking tulak paiwas with thrusting of daga and stick
9: One Stick Disarming and Counter Disarming (48 min)
1) Insideward twisting
2) Snake circle
3) One arm circle
4) Wrist strike
5) Downward push
6) Armpit lock
7) Shoulder lock with arm bar
8) Down upward twisting
9) Random Disarming techniques
10) Random counter disarming techniques
10: Doblete, Triplete, and Banda Y Banda (46 min)
1) Introduction to Doblete
2) Stationary forward stance downward Doblet
3) Application of Doblete
4) First drill in Doblete
5) Introduction to Triplete
6) Application of Triplete
7) Drills in Triplete
8) Introduction to Banda Y Banda
9) Types of Banda Y Banda
10) Drills in Banda Y Banda
11: Crosada, Palis - Palis and Baba Taas (35 min)
1) Introduction to Crosada
2) Drills in Crosada
3) Crosada, disarming and take down
4) Introduction to Palis
5) Introduction to Baba Taas
6) Palis – Palis disarming and take down
Remy Amador Presas (December 19, 1936 – August 28, 2001) was the founder of Modern Arnis, a popular Filipino martial art. Born in the Philippines, he moved to the United States in 1974, where he taught his art via seminars and camps. In 1982 he was inducted into the Black Belt Hall of Fame as Instructor of the Year. He published several books and videos on Modern Arnis and is recognised as the "Father of Modern Arnis".
The Man Behind Modern Arnis
A true lover of sports, Mr. Remy A. Presas is the man behind Modern Arnis today. From the cold tomb of oblivion, Mr. Presas gave new life and meaning to the true Filipino martial art called Arnis. Arnis died with the passage of time as the incontrovertible onslaught of modern living and foreign influences blotted out this gem of the Filipino culture to merely one of the things of the forgotten past. Truly Arnis died with the times. If there were any devout practitioners of the art, they were a very negligible few not even worthy of the slightest attention. People then were so overwhelmed by the appeal of other foreign martial arts like judo, jujitsu, and karate, as to give a passing look to their own arnis. Such then was the sad status of the martial art of Arnis.
But fate has it that "Arnis" will not forever stay dead because on December 19, 1936, in the fishing town of Hinigaran, Negros Occidental, a boy was born destined to one day reopen the eyes and hearts of the Filipino martial art lovers to their own true martial art, arnis, an art which has its roots sacredly marked since the beginning of Philippine history itself. This boy was Remy Amador Presas.
Scion of a middle class family, Remy was born to Jose B. Presas, a businessman and the former Lucia Amador. His father and mother wanted Remy to pursue a career other than sports like business where the family was then comfortably ensconced. But business was not for Remy. Exposed at an early age to sports through his grandfather who was also a lover of sports, Remy developed a special love for the physical art that will one day find him one of its stalwarts.
At the tender age of six, while learning his alphabet and prayers from his mother, Remy was already learning the fundamentals of "kali", as Arnis was then called, using finely carved wooden canes shaped like swords or daggers. This developed in Remy an immense love for sports which will become and indelible mark of his nature.
In his youth, the fascination of sports in Remy grew so much as to develop in him the adventurer’s itch. Not content with the bucolic atmosphere in Hinigaran, at the age of 14 Remy went to the different cities like Cebu, Panay, Bohol, and Leyte, where he pursued his athletic career. In Cebu, he furthered his study of Arnis under Rodolfo Moncal, and then under Timoteo Marranga and Venancio Bacon. All were Cebuano experts in Arnis, and under them Remy mastered Arnis and the deadly "Balintawak" style of stick fencing. Remy’s association with Arnis experts and other renowned athletes in the different parts of the country sharpened his ability in sports.
By the time he came back to his hometown, Remy was already and expert in Arnis and in other sports like judo, jiu-jitsu, wrestling and karate. After his marriage to Rosemary Pascual, Remy, idealistic and enterprising that he is, then set up a gymnasium in Bacolod, Negros Occidental, and there started the wheels of his obsession to revive the dying martial art of Arnis. With the fervor and determination of a true dedicated sportsman, Remy labored and sacrificed to bring the youth in Bacolod closer to the wealth of their cultural history that they failed to appreciate because of indifference. Encouragingly, he succeeded. In that unpretentious gym he founded, Remy succeeded in drawing the interest of the youth of Bacolod. His followers in Arnis increased by the hundreds.
Remy was not only successful in that respect. His business in the city also went well and he was also teaching physical education (with emphasis on Arnis) at De La Salle College, then at the University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos, being a holder of a bachelor’s degree in education major in physical education. Remy was then a very successful man, a success capped by the encouraging outcome of his crusade to revive the lost glory of Arnis.
Then in 1968 Remy was confronted with a decision that was to become a turning point in his life. In one of his summer sessions at the Rizal Memorial Sports Arena in Manila, the sports Mecca of the Philippines, Col. Arsenio de Borja, secretary treasurer of the Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation and director of the National College of Physical Education, Mr. Philip Moncerrat, former President of the PAAF, and Professor Jose Gregorio, took notice of Remy. Upon learning of Remy’s crusade, they asked him to further his crusade in Manila, the seat of National influence in any field of activity. In Manila, the interest of the whole country would be drawn, Remy was told.
The idea interested Remy, for indeed, Arnis is not only for a region, it is for the whole country and could even be before the whole world. The thought played in Remy’s mind like a precious diamond toyed by two cats.
The whole thought was crucial and difficult for him. Coming to Manila would mean leaving behind all he has founded in Bacolod. It would mean virtual abandonment of his well-entrenched businesses which could guarantee the future of his family. Besides, it would mean re-establishment of his family which was now well settled in Bacolod.
But Remy can not get himself out of the thought of the great opportunity for him to bring his crusade to a wider scope and area of audience. He was tickled with the thought that in Manila, he will not only be able to revive Arnis to national consciousness but he will also have the opportunity to present this lore of Philippine culture to the whole world. Remy believed that if the world accepted judo, wrestling, karate, and kung fu, there would be no reason why Arnis wouldn’t be accepted for Arnis is as effective, if not more effective than all of these other martial arts. It was a gem of an opportunity and Remy took the challenge.
In 1969, Remy brought his family to Manila. He then established a gymnasium in the heart of Manila’s commercial district and founded the National Amateur Karate Organization (NAKO) and Modern Arnis Federation of the Philippines (MAFP). With his gym as his springboard, Remy pursued his crusade to revive Arnis on the wider scale to the hilt. He taught (up the present) in various universities and colleges in Manila emphasizing the basic beauty of Arnis as a martial art. He was also teaching Arnis in his NAKO and MAFP club in Quiapo, Manila.
Remy also founded the Modern Arnis Federation of the Philippines. He gave countless exhibitions (for free) with his boys before different audiences and even before tourists. He has even performed before Pres. Ferdinand E. Marcos in Antipolo, Rizal, who, after seeing the exhibition, expressed profound interest in the art.
His untiring crusade brought Arnis to the knowledge of every martial art lover. Not only that, Remy’s magnificent achievement brought him honors and respect among the titans in Philippine sports. So enthusiastically was Arnis received that Remy was asked to train the different armed services and police agencies in the Philippines in the martial art of Arnis. Arnis has also become a popular sport engaged in friendly competition between clubs.
The popularity of Arnis even transcends Philippine shores that in 1970 Remy was asked to go to Japan and before Itago Police Academy he introduce Arnis. So intrigued and fascinated were the Japanese Police authorities of the art that they exclaimed in admiration of its effectively.
Remy’s name became a name to reckon with in sports circle. Besides being the founder and president of the MAFP and NAKO, he was elected Vice-President of the Philippine Arnis Association whose president was former Senator Rene Espina, also an Arnis aficionado, He is also a coach in judo, karate, and wrestling. Remy is a sixth Dan Karate Blackbelter and a judo blackbelter.
His athletic prowess is known far and wide that several American martial art clubs invited him for a cultural demonstration and not a few American personages who are lovers of martial art asked him to propagate the art of Arnis in America and Canada. These invitations are testimonials of Remy’s fame as an athlete.
But Remy’s dream is more than all these. He wants to make an international sport out of Arnis. He wants the world to know that in the Philippines there is an indigenous martial art that can surpass the martial art they already know. "Few of us may know that a skillful knowledge of the art of Arnis can make one outplay a master of judo, or karate, " Remy would tell his students.
That the whole world may know of the art, led Remy to write this book on modern Arnis. Digging deep into his wealth of knowledge after 27 years of research and practice of the art, he decided to publish a book. Collating the early style and techniques of the art with the modern, he prepared a text devoid of primitive linguistics which might not be understood by enthusiasts. Thus this book.
Presented in it's modern form in line with modern demands and circumstances, this book will be easy for a learner to understand. Every style and technique is presented in modern form and the terminologies adopted to contemporary language.
This book is only the beginning of Remy’s magnificent dream. This book will merely serve as a springboard for the ultimate acceptance of the Filipino martial art of Arnis. The crowning glory of this dream, of this crusade, will be when Arnis becomes a commanding sport in every arena of sports competition the world over.
The Filipinos have now accepted this gem of their culture. Through the inspired efforts of Remy, the Bureau of Public and Private Schools has now included Arnis in the Physical education curriculum.
But this in not enough for Remy. He believes that a good art should be shared by the whole world. This is his ardent dream and when this dream shall have flowered, the world will have to thank not only Remy but also his wonderful wife Rosemary, whose inspiration, perseverance, and priceless assistance made this book possible. Also, their children Mary Jane, Mary Ann, Remy, Jr., Ma. Theresa and Demetrio Jose, whose innocent laughter have lightened the mental load in the awesome preparation of this book.
Modern Arnis will go a long way and Modern Arnis is incomplete without bringing into the picture the athlete and the crusader, Remy A. Presas, "The Father of Modern Arnis".
4-18) Kelly S. Worden (5-video) ---
"Connecting the systems" DVD $20.00 (http://www.paladin-press.com)
1) Combat Line Progressive Blade (90 min)
2) Comtech/Natural Spirit Intensive Knife (70 min)
3) Progressive Long Pole Level 1 (70 min)
4) Sibat (75 min)
5) Double Baston (80 min)
- Street Fighting
- Trapping
- Edged Weapons
- Wooden Dummy Training
- Ground Technics
4-19-1) Paul Vunak ---
"Jeet Kune Do Concepts & Filipino Martial Arts" by Panther Productions
- Техника ударов и защиты ногами. Р. 50 м
- Работа ножом. Р. 40 м
- Филлипинская палка. А. 45 м
- Филлипинская техника работы с палками. А. 55 м
- Филлипинская техника боя ножом. Р. 40 м
4-19-2) Paul Vunak, (vol. 5 Fillipino Knife Fighting
"Jeet Kune Do" 7 dvd set
1) Jun Fun Kickboxing 1
2) Jun Fun Kickboxing 2
3) Jeet Kune Do Trapping
4) Jeet Kune Do Wing Chun Dummy Training
5) Fillipino Knife Fighting
6) Fillipino Stick Fighting
7) Jeet Kune Do Paul Vunak Attributes
4-20) Cold Steel - More Proof
4-21) Cold Steel - Warriors Edge, vol. 1-3
4-22) Cold Steel - Saber And Cutlass
Back to Top
4-23) Cold Steel - Fighting Machete
Back to Top
4-24) Cold Steel - Fighting Tomahawk
4-25) Dog Brothers vol. 1-5
4-25-1) Dog Brothers - Snaggle Tooth Variations
4-25-2) Dog Brothers - Krabi Krabong
4-25-3) Dog Brothers (Eric Knaus) - Real Contact Stick Fighting
4-25-4) Dog Brothers (Eric Knaus) - Combining Stick and Footwork
4-25-5) Dog Brothers Martial Arts - Cycle Drills